The Natural State of Your Mind and Body is Health.
True health is when your body works as it was designed.
Feeling Great

Coughing, sneezing and even fevers may actually be signs that your body is working correctly: the definition of true health!
Most people think that how they feel is an indicator of how healthy they are. It’s not true.
Let’s say you unknowingly eat some spoiled food. Later you get stomach cramps and vomit. You certainly don’t feel well, but thankfully your body is functioning correctly. Imagine the tragic consequences of taking a drug to calm your stomach, retaining the toxic food!
Functioning Great
Your brain, spinal cord and all of your nerves control and regulate your body. Every cell, tissue, organ and system (even your immune system!) take orders from your nervous system.
Thus, true health is how well your nervous system is orchestrating the workings of your body. That’s why nerve interferences are so serious! Compromised brain-to-body or body-to-brain communications can be the underlying cause of a variety of health problems.
Many people with a spinal problem discover that other health problems resolve with chiropractic care. Patients often report that as their care progresses, they notice other positive changes in their health.